PointMan – Precision Underground Utility Mobile Mapping Software
Quickly capture, record, and visualize the precise locations of critical utility and infrastructure data from a standard mobile device.
PointMan – Precision Underground Utility Mobile Mapping Software
Quickly capture, record, and visualize the precise locations of critical utility and infrastructure from a standard mobile device.
PointMan® Precision Mapping Solutions® are ProStar’s flagship products. PointMan is a patented cloud and mobile mapping software application that captures, records, and displays the precise location and the associated metadata to critical surface and subsurface infrastructure. PointMan captures mission critical infrastructure data with unprecedented quality and accuracy that includes type, depth, accuracy, depth of cover, and precise geospatial location. PointMan can also create and bind forms, sketches, and photos to any point, line, or polygon. PointMan integrates seamlessly with the major GPS/GNSS and cable & pipe locate equipment manufacturers.
Works with Trimble, Juniper, Bad Elf, and EOS GPS/GNSS Receivers
Works with RadioDetection, Vivax, and Subsite Cable & Pipe Locators
Capture Quality Levels for As-Built Utilities
Take Photos and Digital Sketches of the Project Site
Customizable Data Dictionary
Export Data Formats – KML, KMZ, CSV, Shapefile, PDF, photo, and GDB
Proud Partner of
Patented Technology
Our patented software dramatically improves data collection, all phases of the asset management life-cycle, field-to-office communications, and reduced risks associated with the management, repair, and replacement of the asset.
No Annual License
Features Include:
- Geoid Models
- Google Directions
- Supports PDFs out in the Field
- Data Dictionary
- Photo & Sketch Support
- Pairs with Major Locate Tools
- Export Email, KMZ, Photos, & PDFs
Annual License
All PointMan Features and:
- Multiple VRS/Correction Services
- Real-Time Datum Translations
- Stakeout for Points & Lines
- Survey & Mapping Grade GPS Units
- Attach Photos & Forms to Features
- Audit Trails for Users & Data
- Feature Lock
- Snap Line work to Points/Potholes
- Split & Join Lines
- Supports Custom Attributes
- Trimble GPS/GNSS & Catalyst DA-1
- Utility Locate Form
- Export Shapefile, KML, & CSV
- Enhanced Export Options
- Import KML & PRJ Files
Annual License
$2,495/each - min. 2
All PointMan & Plus
Features and:
- Mobile & Cloud
- Site Calibration
- Work Offline
- One Call Tickets
- Shared Cloud for Multiple Users
- Manage User Permissions & Roles
- In App Support
- Service Level Agreements
- Online Help & Feedback
- Attach Photos & Forms to Any Feature
- Audit Trails for Users & Data
(Activity Logs)
Annual License
Give Us a Call
All PointMan, Plus & Pro
Features and:
- Volume Pricing
- API Access
- 3rd Party Integration (CAD/GIS/Survey)
- Beta Test New Features
- Custom PDF Forms
- Dedicated Priority Support
- Infield Training Included
- Trimble FXL Import
PointMan’s focus is on Industries that are impacted by the construction of both surface and subsurface infrastructure.
Every minute of every working day underground utility assets are seriously damaged from construction activity. When damage occurs, electrical and communication services are lost, water services are disrupted, gaseous substances are released into the environment and in worse case scenarios there are serious injuries or loss of life. PointMan Precision Mapping Solutions are designed to improve the construction and maintenance of these critical assets and to enhance the safety of the worker, the public and the environment.
Benefits Include
- Captures the precise location of assets
- Works with all major cable & pipe locators
- Seamless integration with GPS/GNSS receivers
- Improved workflow efficiencies
- Cost-effective
- Maintain regulatory compliance
- Better data visibility
- Maintain complete and accurate records for audits
- Reduced line strikes
- ASCE 38-02 compliant
- Accurate attributes enables improved business decisions
- Modernized software
- Precision data is submitted to the cloud in real-time
- Improved communications across all stakeholders
- High ROI for collecting survey-grade data
- US-based customer support
- Easy to manage licensing
Benefits Include
- Captures the precise location of assets
- Works with all major cable & pipe locators
- Seamless integration with GPS/GNSS receivers
- Improved workflow efficiencies
- Cost-effective
- Maintain regulatory compliance
- Better data visibility
- Maintain complete and accurate records for audits
- Reduced line strikes
- ASCE 38-02 compliant
- Accurate attributes enables improved business decisions
- Modernized software
- Precision data is submitted to the cloud in real-time
- Improved communications across all stakeholders
- High ROI for collecting survey-grade data
- US-based customer support
- Easy to manage licensing