Information about underground utilities, such as electrical cables, gas lines, and water mains, should always be up-to-date. Excavation professionals who use outdated utility data could damage a utility line, leading to costly repair work and unintended consequences. Utility mapping software provides real-time access to utility data. It helps surveyors and engineers make informed decisions and ensures the underground utilities are not damaged. This article discusses the various advantages of real-time access to utility data and how construction professionals can leverage it.

Timely responses to changing requirements

A construction project’s changing requirements and preferences could mean a changing project plan. Hence, the excavation work can change at any point in time. However, that does not mean construction workers can start digging without assessing the underground utilities.

Subsurface utility engineering helps construction professionals understand the utility line and valves before commencing construction. Utility mapping for construction provides real-time access to utility data, and the engineers can respond quickly to changing project plans.

Minimize utility surveys and utility strikes

Subsurface mapping software helps to get a clear picture of the underground utilities, so the need for utility surveys and strikes can be kept minimal. The real-time utility view lets construction engineers plan their work and dig at the right place. As a result, the utility survey can be done quickly and accurately, reducing the requirement for more surveys. With mapping applications, site surveyors can now easily find the utilities and prepare the maps and reports without utility strikes. Learn how PointMan’s utility mapping solution can help companies avoid utility strikes and prevent costly repairs. Read more about our utility strike prevention solutions.

Avoid unnecessary construction delays

Construction sites are places where a lot of work goes on and where there are many dependencies. Each department is dependent on the others in some way, and one delay can significantly impact the work of other departments. A major delay in a construction project occurs when the construction professionals constantly need to look out for utility lines.

Construction professionals can avoid unnecessary delays by choosing subsurface mapping software. It gives a real-time view of utilities underneath, enabling proactively planned construction. The software allows them to modify the construction plan and ensure that the utility line does not affect the construction progress.

Real-time utility data collection

Field personnel can collect utility data in real time, which can then be used to map utility lines and valves. The personnel can capture, record, and visualize the critical infrastructure. Consequently, the utility data can be updated in real time as soon as the mapping software captures it.

Better collaboration

Real-time data access offered by the utility mapping software enables better collaboration between the construction stakeholders. It ensures that everyone has up-to-date data. Construction professionals can coordinate better with the utility companies and ensure that no one misses any crucial information.

Utility data management

Documenting the utility location and status is an important step during the construction process. Utility data must be collected for future reference and analysis. The real-time utility data can be shared with all stakeholders to enable transparent decision-making.

Better accuracy in decision-making

Surveyors and engineers can use the utility data and verify them on-site. They can check the utility type and location and direct the construction work accordingly. With real-time access to utility data, they can make informed decisions to reduce the possibility of striking a utility line, protect underground utilities, and avoid expensive reworks.

Enhanced safety

Utility mapping software provides a real-time view of the utility lines. They are mapped out as virtual lines on the mapping application. The site engineers can see them before excavating the ground. It helps them to tag high-risk utilities like gas pipelines or electrical lines on the application. Consequently, they can use the live data to avoid such danger zones and adjust their construction works proactively.

Higher construction efficiency

Using underground utility mapping software ensures that the utilities are not damaged and improves the efficiency of the construction process. Surveyors can look for the utility lines before the excavation and adjust their workflows accordingly. In addition, the Cloud advantage of the application ensures that surveyors do not need to go to the office every time to collect utility data. They can review the data instantly and make timely data-based decisions. It reduces the overall turnaround time and increases construction efficiency.

Dynamic resource allocation

Real-time access to utility data enables engineers to allocate resources better. It ensures that resources are not underutilized or overutilized. Besides, the construction equipment on site will not have unnecessary idle time, as it could incur more costs. The site supervisors can allocate the equipment based on the utility lines involved. They can also ensure maximum productivity by avoiding unnecessary equipment usage and planning maintenance.

Cost reduction

Site engineers get real-time access to utility data, reducing construction costs. Construction sites are places where reworks and repairs are common. However, by using mapping software, engineers can avoid utility conflicts and repairs. Utility mapping for construction helps reduce unnecessary reworks and construction modifications. In addition, surveyors can access the utility data in real time and avoid resurveys, leading to further cost savings.

Environmental protection

Sometimes, construction can happen near environmentally sensitive areas, such as water bodies. In such cases, real-time utility data helps construction professionals identify water bodies so they can plan their work accordingly and ensure those areas are not affected. It also enables sustainable decision-making so engineers can adopt eco-friendly construction practices.

PointMan: The leading utility mapping software

Real-time access to utility data through subsurface mapping software offers several advantages, as discussed. PointMan is one of the leading utility mapping applications. Some features include compatibility with major cable and pipe locators, the ability to pair with GPS/GNSS, and the ability to work offline. The application is compatible with global mapping standards, including CSA S-250-11 and ASCE 38-22. It provides cloud synchronization between the office and the construction site. The utility data will be available to all construction professionals once field personnel capture and store it.

Whether you are doing major construction or just a minor excavation, PointMan provides real-time access to utility data. It allows you to make informed decisions on-site and ensure your project stays on schedule. Want to learn more? Contact us for a demo today.